There was no deal with Murdoch: David Cameron

London: British Prime Minister David Cameron has denied allegations of striking a deal with media baron Rupert Murdoch or his son in return for favourable coverage before his government came to power in 2010.

The ties between Cameron's government and Murdoch's News Corp are under scrutiny after an inquiry into media ethics raised questions.

The inquiry had raised questions about a minister's decision on whether the company should be authorised to take full control of British Sky Broadcasting.

Speaking on the widely watched Andrew Marr Show on BBC, the Prime Minister admitted he had sought the support of Murdoch's news organisations, along with other news organisations, like any politician would, but claimed he did not change government policies to suit commercial interests of newspaper proprietors.

Cameron said: "It would be absolutely wrong for there to be any sort of deal and there wasn't... There was no grand deal. The positions I reach are because I believe them, I think they're right for our country. That's the platform I stand on.

"I do not do things, change my policies to suit this proprietor or that proprietor".

(With Additional Inputs from PTI)

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